Getting basket 702 ready and delivered

We received a call from a in-home nurse with the name of a disabled lady that could really use a basket, so we got one ready today and she picked it up to deliver to the family. Thanks go out to LM for the name and delivering the basket for us.

We also have a lady helping gather the names of  businesses and organizations in the surrounding area to send out letters about LBFOL and our mission. We have more than 300 names so far and have mailed out about 150.

Thanks go out to Z for her help.  We also had a lady and her daughter put stickers on the inspirational books and stuff the envelopes we put into the baskets. They did 400 for us in one afternoon, so thanks, R and H, for your help.

We have a donation meter set up on our home page to help us get to the $4000 needed to finish paying for Spring Clean 2013. If you would like to help us, please donate online or through our mailing address on our Contact Us page.

If you have names of those who could use a basket, please let us know through messages here,  email or our Facebook page.

Thank you in advance and God bless,
