We have just a couple of weeks to get the final items donated or purchased for Project Christmas Basket coming on Saturday, December 8. We will be delivering more than 100 baskets in one day to senior citizens in Sikeston and East Prairie.
We have PASSED our goal of $3500, but keep the donations coming, because we have 20 more baskets to be delivered the week after our event. We’ve received the names of 10 more senior households and 10 other families who would be blessed by baskets. We will be pressing on through the New Year with more families receiving baskets, so please don’t stop now. We need your help and we know God will bless you for it.
This Saturday, December 1, starting at 9 AM at the LBFOL Headquarters, we will be assembling the baskets and getting them all ready for delivery the following weekend. For those who have asked to help, we will send emails, texts or messages through Facebook with all the details you’ll need. If you would like to help, please contact us.
We had our first radio interview thispast Wednesday on Life 90.3 with David and Harriett Craig. Thank you so much for the opportunity to get LBFOL out there to the Southeast Missouri listening audience! We want to thank everyone who has helped with donations of money and items and all those who have helped behind the scenes working where needed. We couldn’t do it without you all!
Please check out the many ways you can help, or make an online donation. We also have a Facebook page where you can like us or send a message.
Thanks again and God bless you all,