I am on vacation this next week and I am excited about some great deals I will be getting for items to put in LBFOL! I was able to pick up a few things today that turned out to be some awesome deals..:-) Thanks to the two people who donated some money this week. Your donations helped in the purchasing of those great deals. I also want to thank Joanie who is sending a couple of boxes of items for the baskets. God Bless you! It is greatly appreciated!!!
The heat from Summer has slowed down the interest in LBFOL but with Gods help we are still giving out baskets and gathering items for the baskets. Our donations amount has went up thanks to some of my family who have helped by donating! God bless you all! I appreciate all the help from my family! My Mom has helped tremendously with cutting & sorting coupons, marking items for the baskets, donating her time to help deliver baskets and always supporting me with encouragement and prayer! I love you Mom! You are the greatest!
If you would like to be a part of this Ministry by helping donate money or items please check the “whats in a basket” link or the “how can I help” link! If you know of an elderly friend, loved one or family that needs a basket please click the “contact us” link. If you would like to be a go between (someone who calls the Senior Citizen Agencies in SE Missouri area) to find out who needs a basket you can click the “contact us” link also.
The Jaycee Bootheel Rodeo is this week and there is a group of young Rodeo participants who are gathering up items for LBFOL. We will be getting more info and pictures on that in the near future!
Thanks again to all who have helped and supported us in some way! We love and appreciate you all! Marilyn Hull..President