We want to remind everyone that we will not have a mark and sticker day for the basket items. Some wonderfulfriends and volunteers have been helping mark and sticker items over the past few weeks, so we give a big thank you to Roxie and family, Diane L., Gloria and her mother for cutting all the stickers for us back in the summer. We appreciate you all so much.
It is just a little more that 2 weeks until PCB 2013 on December 7. We will fill the baskets and deliver them on the same day. If you can help with either or both parts of the event, please be at UPS at 117 Larcel Dr. Sikeston, MO by 8 AM. If you need directions please email or message us on the LBFOL Facebook page.
If you would like to donate money towards this event you can donate online through PayPal or send a check to our postal address. We are looking forward to seeing you all there.
Thanks in advance and God bless.